Archive 2020 Resources

Welcome to the Archive 2020 Resources Page.
The 2019 Resources Page can be found here and the previous Resources page here.

Amazon Prime Video Expiry Viewer

Part One:  For those of you who do not have the Expiry Viewer

How does the Expiry Viewer Work in Your Watchlist?
The Expiry Viewer displays a Yellow notice beneath the movie poster that shows the title's expiration date.  This date is the same expiration date that is shown on the title's detail webpage.
Note:  APV removed the expiration date from all hover pop-up windows in February 2020.
The only place where an expiration date can be found now is on a title's webpage.
Reminder:  Amazon's date is the day the movie leaves Prime; we list the movie one day earlier,
the last day to watch.

For first time users, in order to make the Expiry Viewer work, first you have to add a javascript manager extension like Tampermonkey to your Chrome browser. The Tampermonkey javascript manager can be found in the Google Chrome Extensions webstore at:

After you install the Tampermonkey extension, then you can add the Expiry Viewer script.
1)  Click on the new Extensions icon on the Chrome browser toolbar and then click on Tampermonkey to display the Tampermonkey menu.  Click on the Dashboard menu item to open a new browser tab showing the list of Installed Userscripts.
2)  If you have a previous version installed, click the Enabled button to Disabled for the old Amazon Prime Video Expiry Viewer.  [Note: You can remove an older version of the script by clicking the Delete icon at the far right of the row under the Actions column in Tampermonkey.]
Next click the Plus Sign button tab, which is located to the left of the "Installed userscripts" tab,
to open the Add A New Userscript tab in Tampermonkey.
3)  Place the cursor at the beginning of the first line of code in the New Userscript window.
While holding the Shift key down, press the Down Arrow key to highlight all of the script code in the window.  Release the keys and then press the Delete key to delete it all.
4)  Below is the latest revision of the Expiry Viewer code:   8-20-2020 version 2.0.3

// ==UserScript==
// @name         8-20-2020 Amazon Prime Video Expiry Viewer
// @namespace
// @version      2.0.3
// @description  Makes it obvious which and when videos are going to expire.
// @author       Kadauchi et al
// @icon
// @include*
// @include*
// ==/UserScript==

var myVar;

if (window.location.href.indexOf('') > 0) {
    myVar = 2;
  } else {
    myVar = 1;

setTimeout(pause, 12000);

function pause () {
  var pauseVar = 1;

const checked = {}

function checkShelf () {
  if (myVar == 2) {
    // for (const el of document.getElementsByClassName('dv-shelf-item')) checkIfLeaving(el);
    for (const el of document.getElementsByClassName('_2AgxOB')) checkIfLeaving(el);
  } else {
    // for (const el of document.getElementsByClassName('dv-packshot')) checkIfLeaving(el);
    for (const el of document.getElementsByClassName('D0Lu_p')) checkIfLeaving(el);

async function checkIfLeaving (item) {
  const asin = item.querySelector('[data-asin]').dataset.asin;
  const leaving = await fetchHover(asin);

if (leaving.isLeaving) {
    const date = document.createElement('div');
    date.textContent = 'Leaves on ' + leaving.isLeaving; = 'text-align: center; color: black; font-size: 16px; line-height: 28px;'; = 'yellow';

  if (leaving.isLeaves) {
    const date = document.createElement('div');
    date.textContent = 'Leaves in ' + leaving.isLeaves; = 'text-align: center; color: black; font-size: 16px; line-height: 28px;'; = 'yellow';

  if (leaving.isImdb) {
    const date = document.createElement('div');
    date.textContent = 'Available on your IMDb TV channel'; = 'text-align: center; color: black; font-size: 16px; line-height: 28px;'; = 'lightskyblue';

function fetchHover (asin) {
  return new Promise(async (resolve) => {
    if (asin && !checked[asin]) {
      // const response = await window.fetch(`${asin}?format=json`);
      const response = await window.fetch(`${asin}?format=json`);
      const text = await response.text();
      // console.log(text);
      const imdb = text.match(/ncluded with your IMDb TV channel/);
      const leaving = text.match(/eaves Prime on ([\w\s,]+)/);
      const leaves = text.match(/eaves Prime in ([\w\s,]+)/);
      const isImdb = !!imdb;
      const isLeaving = leaving ? leaving[1] : false;
      const isLeaves = leaves ? leaves[1] : false;
      checked[asin] = { isImdb, isLeaving, isLeaves };
    } else if (checked[asin]) {


5)  Highlight the above code beginning with the first line:    // ==UserScript==
and continue all the way down to the last line:    checkShelf();
Press Ctrl + C to do a Copy of all the script code.  Switch back to Tampermonkey and
press Ctrl + P to Paste all the code into the New Userscript window in Tampermonkey.
6)  Click on the File Menu in the Tampermonkey Editor and click on Save to install the new script.
7)  Tampermonkey will automatically install the new Userscript, Enable it to run and return you to the Installed Userscripts tab in Tampermonkey.
Now click the little “x” on the Tampermonkey browser tab to close it and return to your starting Google Chrome webpage.
8)  Go to Amazon and sign in.  Then go to Prime Video Your Watchlist Movies page 1.
If you have some expiring Prime movies in Your Watchlist [or you can add some from the Master List], you should see their Yellow expiration date banners.  If you have some IMDb TV movies in Your Watchlist, you should see their Blue IMDb TV banners.
If the Expiry Viewer does not work or only displays a few Yellow banners, click the Reload This Page icon on the Chrome toolbar and wait again.  It is sometimes necessary to Reload the page to see all of the Yellow banners.
This script is a wonderful time saver!  It eliminates the need to open each individual movie in Your Watchlist one at a time to check whether it may be expiring soon.  Since Amazon Prime Video removed the expiration date notices from the hover pop-up windows in Your Watchlist, that has been the only method left to Prime subscribers.  What a terrible time-consuming procedure.

Part Two:  For those of you who do have the Expiry Viewer and need to update the script

How do I update the script?
If you are a current user of the Expiry Viewer script, then go to Step 1 above and follow the instructions to install the latest version of the script.  The Tampermonkey "check for userscript updates" feature will not work with this new version.

Part Three:  Some Notes

  The script does NOT work on the continuous scrolling Watchlist that Amazon introduced last year.
What to do?  Option 1:  You can manually change the pages of your Watchlist by typing each page number into the URL address at the top of your browser and then pressing Enter.
Option 2:  You can bookmark each page so that you do not have to manually change the page numbers each time.  You can create a folder (within your bookmarks) for your bookmarked Watchlist pages so that you can access them quickly.
  The URL address for the Your Watchlist Movies page number 1 is:
You must go to the next page 2 by manually changing the page number in the URL address at the top of your browser to page=2, then moving the cursor to the end of the URL address and pressing Enter.  The Expiry Viewer will then display the Yellow expiration notices for any expiring titles on page 2.  Repeat for page 3, 4, 5, etc. until you reach the end of your Movies Watchlist.
Note:  There are a total of 60 titles listed on each Your Watchlist page.  The Expiry Viewer will only work on the first 60 titles displayed on each page.  It will not work on the titles beyond 60 that are added by the Your Watchlist continuous scroll feature.
  The URL address for the Your Watchlist TV Shows page number 1 is:
Repeat the procedure above to go to page 2, 3, 4, 5, etc. until you reach the end of your TV Shows Watchlist.  Be sure to bookmark each Your Watchlist TV Show page as you go.
  The Expiry Viewer now also displays a Blue banner below the posters of Movies and TV shows that
are available on the IMDb TV channel to make it easier to see those titles in Your Watchlist.
  NEW:  On individual Movie and TV Show webpages, the Expiry Viewer will now also display
the Yellow Leaving Prime banner and the Blue IMDb TV banner below the posters of any expiring Prime titles or IMDb TV titles included in the "Customers Who Watched This Item Also Watched" listing and the "Cast and Crew" listings.
  Depending on how fast your computer is and how fast your internet connection is, you may have to
wait up to 60 seconds or more for the Yellow expiring banners and the Blue IMDb TV banners to load on each Your Watchlist page.  And as long again to see the banners display on individual Movie and TV Show webpages.
  The home page lists several other script manager programs that work with other
browsers that you may prefer to use.  The procedure is the same.  Install the script manager first, then add the userscript above.

More Websites to Check Out


  1. Working for me! Much thanks to all who contribute to this site.

  2. Thanks to those of you who bird dogged this expiring titles craziness and at least got the Watchlist back to displaying the banners below the movie pictures since the Amazon programmers couldn't or wouldn't do it. Yes, I called Customer Support and didn't get any on this topic; what I did get was the usual apologies and empty promises to look into the problem. I marvel that behemoths like Amazon and Netflix treat their customers so badly. What's that old saw about those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Bezos and Hastings, companies are never too big to fail. One day someone will start a streaming company, treat their customers right, and will beat your pants off. Count on it.

    Thanks again to whomever got the banners working again. I'm so grateful, I went through all 25 pages of my movies, but didn't find any expiring titles that had not already been reported.

  3. Worked great for me, thanks to all who did so much work on this!

  4. Is there an option for other web browsers? I mostly use Firefox. Would be good to know if there's an option to use the expiry viewer on FF, IE, Opera, ME, Safari, etc....

    1. According to the last Note above, you will find links to several Javascript user script manager extensions that work with those browsers at:

      The procedure is the same.  Install the script manager first, then add the userscript above.
      Please let us know which browser you choose and which script manager works for you.

  5. This STOPPED working if you hit the PRIME ONLY button for me in Desktop Chrome PC for me today. But it works fine if you use the link on this page that goes to the full Watchlist (Prime Toggle Off). Maybe script needs a quick edit?

  6. So it works on:
    but not

    1. The Expiry Viewer works for me on Your Watchlist pages. After you turn ON the "Prime Only" button, located to the immediate LEFT of the "Sort by: Most Recent Addition" setting on the top right of the Your Watchlist page, then you have to click the "Reload this page" icon on the Chrome browser toolbar to run the Expiry Viewer again. Then you will see the Yellow banners under the expiring Movie posters.

      Because the URL address of the Your Watchlist page changes when you turn ON the Prime Only button, as you noted above, you will then have to manually change the  ?page=1  in the URL address bar of the Chrome browser to  ?page=2  and press the Enter key to go to the next page. The Expiry Viewer will work automatically this time. Repeat for  ?page=3  ,  ?page=4  , etc.

      You should also make a new Bookmark for pages 1, 2, 3, etc. if you plan to look at Your Watchlist pages with the Prime button turned ON in the future. You might put the new Bookmarks in a "Prime Only" Bookmark Folder.

      Note: Don't forget to turn OFF the Prime Only button when finished, or you won't be able to see any rental titles, IMDb TV titles with Blue banners, or expired Prime titles on Your Watchlist pages. And you will have to click the "Reload this page" icon again each time you turn the Prime Only button ON and OFF.

      Note: The Prime Only button affects only Your Watchlist pages. It has no effect on individual Movie and TV Show detail webpages or any other Prime Video webpage.
